c Trambolhão: Estamos fritos!

sexta-feira, dezembro 07, 2007

Estamos fritos!

Can't Buy Me Love, But A Vote Is A Whole Other Thing

A survey by a New York University journalism class found that 66% of the students would agree not to vote in the next presidential election in exchange for a year's tuition, 20% would give up their vote for an iPod Touch, and half would forfeit their right to vote forever if you gave them $1 million. Interestingly, 90% of those who said they'd give up their vote for the big bucks also said they think voting is "very important" or "somewhat important." Just not as important as money.

*Retirado do blog http://www.maddogblog.com/


At 9:47 da tarde, dezembro 07, 2007, Blogger GONIO said...

É destes que o Chávez gosta....

At 2:46 da tarde, dezembro 08, 2007, Blogger Unknown said...

eu fazia o mesmo, se me dessem um milhao tb n votava mais.

At 9:19 da manhã, dezembro 10, 2007, Blogger Inês said...

Eu sinceramente tb pensava duas vezes....

At 4:46 da tarde, dezembro 10, 2007, Anonymous Anónimo said...

Eu, sem me darem nada, já não voto


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